This was originally written not long after Mia joined the pack. All of my teachers are rescues. All are blessings!
Mia made the Belmont County Animal Rescue League newsletter…their Where Are they Now? edition. But, this is the picture they used….Mia in class. The text with the picture: (in Mia’s own words) My new life began when I was dumped one night at the shelter when it was closed. When the staff came in that morning, they found me wandering around the parking lot. I was less than a year old and very pregnant. I was named Peyton (after one of the shelter staff who fell absolutely in love with me) and everyone got ready for me to give birth. Sadly, my puppies didn’t make it, but I did so that I could be adopted and really get on with living! My new family named me Mia and includes two others from the shelter ( Belle, who you might remember as Holly) and Mr. Chairman (called Frank Sinatra at the shelter). Besides being a family member, I was put to work and even given a title. I am my mom’s “assistant instructor” in her canine massage therapy classes. This is because I allow the students to practice on me. Pretty nice of me, don’t you think? I have become the popular choice among students on exam day!